Exam Box

The Exam Box (Klausurenkiste) is a collection of materials relating to various aspects of your studies. It includes documents on the individual modules, internships or even old exams and exam transcripts.

You can find the Exam Box in the StuRa Cloud or via the short link https://stura.eu/kkiste. You can log in there with your university account.

If you need further materials, you can also contact your student council (see email addresses below). They often have further documents, but these are not suitable for wider publication (e.g. because they contain unredacted names). It is also common practice for some faculty student councils to pass on their own transcripts and other documents internally. We are always happy to welcome new people who want to join us!


If you would like to contribute to the Exam Box, you can send the items you would like to make available to your faculty student council (FSR). You can do this either by email or via an upload folder in the StuRa Cloud.

We also provide a template for memory protocols in the StuRa Cloud.