Doctoral candidates' representatives

We, the PhD council , are there for you, the doctoral students of the TU Ilmenau, as your contact person for everything around the doctorate. We represent the interests of the doctoral students in the various university committees, try to help you with different questions and are always open for your ideas and of course for new members. Feel free to drop by on our Discord server, write to us or visit us. How to do that and who we are, we have explained here.



Discord: Join via the link at the Graduate Center's intranet page

In person: just come to one of our meetings! You can find us on Tuesdays in the even-numbered calendar weeks starting at 5:15 p.m. in SH108 on campus.

What is the doctoral student representation?

The doctoral student representation represents the interests of the doctoral student body at TU Ilmenau, advocates for better working and general conditions for doctoral students, deals with state and university policy issues that specifically affect doctoral students, and is the point of contact for all members of the doctoral student body.

It was introduced with the new Thuringian Higher Education Act (ThürHG), which came into full effect in 2019. Its members are elected by the doctoral student body with a term of office of one year. The doctoral student representation may send representatives to all meetings of the university bodies (e.g. faculty councils or senate).

How are we elected?

The elections take place at the same time as the elections to the student bodies on an annual basis. All members of the doctoral student body, i.e., every person accepted as a doctoral student at a faculty, are entitled to vote. You do not have to be employed or enrolled at the university to exercise your active and passive right to vote!

Every member of the doctoral student body can stand for election on one of the nine lists (one for each faculty, one for scholarship holders, international students, members of graduate programs and external doctoral students). In this way, we hope to be able to represent a broad spectrum of opinions and many different experiences and work situations in the representation.

Those who have the most votes on their list are elected; those with the second most votes are elected deputy.

In addition, the doctoral students' representation is always happy to welcome anyone interested who would like to support the work of the doctoral students' representation or find out more about it.

How can you reach us?

Current information and possible last-minute changes to our next meetings can always be found on our Discord server. There you can easily get in touch with other PhD students of our university, network and generally ask your questions. Furthermore, we try to keep you informed about all relevant events for PhD students. You can join the server via a link on the Graduate Center’s intranet page.

Rechtliche Grundlagen (only in German)

ThürHG §21 Abs. 4

„Die von der nach den Promotionsordnungen zuständigen Stelle angenommenen Doktoranden bilden die Doktorandenschaft. Die Doktorandenschaft ist keine Mitgliedergruppe im Sinne des Absatzes 2; die Rechtsstellung der Doktoranden als Mitglieder nach den Absätzen 1 und 2 oder als Angehörige nach Absatz 3 bleibt durch ihre gleichzeitige Zugehörigkeit zur Doktorandenschaft unberührt. Die Doktorandenschaft wählt die Mitglieder einer Promovierendenvertretung. Die Promovierendenvertretung gibt in allen sie betreffenden Angelegenheiten gegenüber den Organen und Gremien der Hochschule Empfehlungen ab; ein Vertreter der Promovierendenvertretung kann an den Sitzungen der Organe und Gremien der Hochschule mit Ausnahme des Präsidiums und des Hochschulrats, zu denen er wie ein Mitglied zu laden ist, mit Antrags- und Rederecht teilnehmen. Das Nähere zu den Aufgaben und Rechten, zur Zusammensetzung und zur Wahl der Promovierendenvertretung regelt die Hochschule in einer Satzung.“


Decided on 14.05.2019 by the Senate of the TU Ilmenau. You can find this hier.


Adopted 10/24/2019 by the doctoral student council. You can find this hier.