Maximilian Ermisch
I'm sure some of you have just read StuBra and have probably thought similar thoughts like: "Has someone made a mistake?" or "Isn't that the same as StuRa? No, the StuBra is not the StuRa, even though it is also a student council.
The StuBra or student advisory board (Studierendenbeirat), as it is called, is one of the three advisory boards of the city council of the city of Ilmenau, along with the children and youth advisory board and the senior citizens advisory board. Its members sit on the city council and its committees in an advisory capacity and are there to represent the interests of the students of the TU Ilmenau.
The StuBra consists of the head of the StuRa's city department, an assessor of the university management appointed by the rectorate, and four other students of the TU Ilmenau, who are elected by the student council of the TU Ilmenau for a period of one year. Additionally, the members of the student council are confirmed by the city council of the city of Ilmenau. As a rule, the members of the StuBra are also members of the department of city issues, which is why the boundaries between the two bodies are quite fluid.
The StuBra came into being as an initiative of the city council in 2004. Due to the good cooperation with the city in the following years, the StuBra was able to legally start its work thanks to a city council resolution to change the main statute. This advisory board was unique in Germany when it was founded and has already led to imitators in Thuringia and beyond.
If you have questions or an idea for a project that could help the city and the university to grow even closer together, or if you just want to participate in our meetings, please send us a short e-mail: or
You are welcome to drop by, we are always happy to see new faces.
Christoph Sören Gensmer
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Erik Rothamel
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Enrolled 2018 -
Marc Schlagenhauf
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Enrolled 2017 -
Maximilian Ermisch
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Enrolled 2016 -
Sebastian Hübner
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